
FRG is a real estate services firm that completes appraisals, appraisal reviews, feasibility studies and inspection services. Our clients include government agencies, local municipalities, financial institutions and private investors.

The quality of our work, turnaround time along with our customer service has earned us a reputation as a highly recommended, responsive and dedicated business partner.

Our Mission: Provide our clients critical thinking to develop solutions for real estate problems.

Our Purpose: Help to build and sustain communities.

FRG Qualifications


Designated Team Members

MAI-logoFRG’s Appraisers have fulfilled rigorous education and experience requirements and must adhere to strict standards and a code of professional ethics.

Recognized as a mark of excellence in the field of real estate valuation and analysis courts of law, government agencies, financial institutions, and investors.

Appraisers who become designated members of the Appraisal Institute have completed required state license or certification requirements and have completed: an additional 180 hours of education, an additional 4,500 hours of specialized commercial appraisals, pass a comprehensive written exam, and complete and support a demonstration commercial appraisal report.


  • State Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Certification (Maryland, Ohio)
  • Cuyahoga County, Ohio SBE
  • Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District SBE

Certified General Appraiser Designated Appraiser
Enroll as General Candidate for Designation Yes
General Education
Bachelor’s Degree Yes Yes
Specialized Education with Exam
Business Practices and Ethics No Yes
Advanced Income Capitalization No Yes
Advanced Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use No Yes
Advanced Concepts & Case Studies No Yes
Quantitative Analysis No Yes
Certified General Exam Yes Yes
General Comprehensive Exam No Yes
Appraisal Hours
Specialized Experience 1,500 4,500
Demonstrated Knowledge
General Demonstration of Knowledge No Yes

FRG Team

FRG completes high quality real estate appraisals, appraisal reviews, feasibility studies and capital needs assessments. The team gathers and analyzes facts, statistics, and other pertinent information to solve real estate problems.

  • Marries technology with FRG’s LEAN appraisal process to complete high quality appraisals
  • 2-Stage Quality Control Process which includes a final MAI designated appraiser review of all appraisals
  • Market Research team utilizing the most up to date database of primary and secondary market information
  • Compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) regulations


Gregory Williams, MAI, AI-GRS

Gregory Williams, MAI, AI-GRS

Managing Director and Certified General Appraiser

John Rasmussen, MAI, SRA

John Rasmussen, MAI, SRA

Certified General Appraiser

Robert Bykowski, ACSW

Robert Bykowski, ACSW

Certified General Appraiser

Celeste Peoples

Celeste Peoples

Certified General Appraiser

Christine Balasko

Christine Balasko

Appraisal Trainee

Mia Etelapelto

Mia Etelapelto

Appraisal Trainee

Arsam Tanveer

Arsam Tanveer

Research Assistant

Judy Jones

Judy Jones

Operations Assistant